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120+ Best Gaur Gopal Das Quotes

Gaur Gopal Das (Gaura-Gopāla dāsa) is a member of the international society of Krishna consciousness (ISKCON), a former HP engineer, motivational speaker, and a motivational coach. 

He believes in INSPIRING MINDS, TRANSFORMING HEARTS. His birth date is 24th December 1973.

He has done his schooling at St. Jude High School, Pune, (India).

Gaur Gopal Das Ji holds a diploma in Electrical Engineering which he pursued from Cusrow Wadia Institute of Technology, India.  Later on, he did his graduation in the year 1992 from the College of Engineering, Pune, India. (It’s better known as COEP)

He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering. he also worked at Hewlett Packard as an Electrical Engineer in 1996.

He left his job at Hewlett Packard and after that, he joined ISKCON In 2018

Gaur Gopal Das has written two books to date: the first one was published in the year 2018 named Life’s Amazing Secrets: How to Find Balance and Purpose in Your Life.

The second one was written in the year 2020 named The Way of the Monk: The four steps to peace, purpose, and lasting happiness 

He published his youtube channel in the year 2016 and gained 3 million + YouTube followers with more than 500 + million views. 

Gaur Gopal Das has been awarded Gandhi Peace Award, Youth Spiritual Award, and many more.

Gaur Gopal Das Quotes

  • Stop and reflect on your life regularly. Pressing the pause button to practice gratitude is the way to make it a constant in your life. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Watch your thoughts, they turn into words. Watch your words, they turn into actions. Watch your actions, they turn into habits. Watch your habits, they turn into character. Watch your character, it turns into your destiny. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • A man or a woman is known by the company they keep.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • When things are beyond your control and there is nothing you can do, why worry? – Gaur Gopal Das
  • As a monk, I have to be cautious of overindulgence; it is essential to stay regulated in our habits. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Think: is this in my control? If yes, you can do something about it. If no, then you cannot do anything about it. Therefore, in both circumstances, why worry? – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Offering gifts and accepting gifts, opening one’s mind and inquiring in confidence, sharing food, and receiving food are the six exchanges that develop loving relationships. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • We must find positivity in the bleakest situations and live by the principle of gratitude – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Fight the strong urge to judge someone based on an initial interaction with them. Everyone has a fascinating story that we know nothing about. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • The paradox of our times is that those who have the most can often be the least satisfied. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Feeling peaceful, happy, and content is not about avoiding challenges in our life, but about how we navigate through these challenges to reach the type of life we want to live. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Leadership is about speaking less and doing more, it is the art of daring, caring, and sharing – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Material joy has two problems. It makes one insensitive and irresponsible. But spiritual joy makes one super sensitive and super responsible.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Feed your faith, your doubts shall starve to death. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • If someone chooses what they love to do, there is no stress in their life. As they say, ‘if you do what you love, you will never have to work a day in your life. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Anyone can find the dirt in someone. Be the one that finds the gold. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Watch your thoughts, they turn into words. Watch your words, they turn into actions. Watch your actions, they turn into habits. Watch your habits, they turn into character. Watch your character, it turns into your destiny.’ it all begins with a thought.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • To accept someone when everything is going right is easy. But when things are falling apart around you and you stick together, that’s the test of a relationship. Love is when we have every reason to break up but we do not.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • If you want to change the way you feel, change the way you live. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Every moment lived well is the secret of overall wellness.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Love is less about emotions and feelings. It is more about taking responsibility to serve the beloved. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Pain is an integral part of life. It is up to you to decide what to choose, pain that hurts but heals or something that is pleasurable in the beginning and extremely painful thereafter. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Life is filled you have to do and what you love to do. Surely do what you love to do, but also start loving what you have to do. That is the secret of happiness. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • It is strange that swords and words have the same letters. Even more strange is that they have the same effect if not handled properly. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Feed your faith and all your doubts shall starve to death. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • if you truly want to know how rich you are, drop a tear and see how many hands come to wipe that tear. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • I shall leave the world a better place than it was when I entered it. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • If you want to change the way you feel, change the way you live.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Everyone has a fascinating story that we know nothing about. Let’s keep our ears and minds open and learn from their experience. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Our respect for someone is reflected in how sensitively we treat them. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • ‘it’s just my personality,’ is not an acceptable excuse to be insensitive towards others. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • One doesn’t have to wait to see the effects of meditation in the afterlife. We can see them in this life if we practice it diligently and under the right guidance. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Sometimes how we behave in public can be very different from how we are in our private lives. We may tend to show that all is fine when it is may not necessarily be.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • When we want respect, people may not give it to us. When do we want to respect others, who can stop us? When we want to be treated well, we may not receive it. When we want to treat others well, who can stop us? – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Love means total acceptance. And there is no denying that when we accept someone completely, we also have to accept some not so pleasant’ elements which can poke us and cause pain. True love means to figure out how to deal with those elements in a way that the expression of our love can be the fullest.  – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Make sure you make time for those things that make you feel lively. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • The difference between can’t and can as will-power – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Rise high by pulling yourself up, not by pushing someone down. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Let us transfer our energy to doing what is right than proving that we are right. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Being wealthy is more than just having riches. Remember, there are many in things we need in life that are not win the markets and where the buying power of money fails. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • It’s not what you see, but how you see, that brings wisdom. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Love is less about feelings. More about action in service to the beloved. It is not a noun; it is a verb, it is not so much about the beloved pleasing us but about us pleasing them. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Live your life in such a way that those who know you but don’t know God will come to know God because they know you. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Honoring life is not just about respecting humans, but also about having empathy towards all species of life, whether it be trees or birds, or animals. The symptom of an evolved civilization is how everything and everyone is treated with dignity and given the space to exist and thrive. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • The challenges that we face today could very much be the reason for the fulfillment of our aspirations tomorrow. Only if we are grateful for those challenges and are willing to deal with them with a positive mindset. It’s not about what happens to us but about how we respond to what happens to us that makes our dreams come true. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • The greatest crisis of life is not the crisis itself. It is losing hope and giving up. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • A very important aspect of gratitude is to acknowledge the services of those who add so much value to our life but often get neglected and then to reciprocate with them in any way possible. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Always remember that your most important project is you. You won’t be able to work on anything or anyone unless you have worked on yourself. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Let the light of hope, inspiration, and wisdom light up our lives and make them bright. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • To love means to serve. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • A satisfying life is not a privilege of a few. It is the birthright of every human being. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Our greatest asset is the ability to choose and construct a life that is joyful, meaningful, and purposeful. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Life’s going off the line? Let’s learn to go off-line! (every now and then of course. Moderation is the key) – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Personal introspection is like a mirror that doesn’t lie. To make progress, it is essential for us to objectively look at what we have and also what we lack. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • We are not the only factor responsible for our success in anything we do. Humility means to share the credit (at least in our minds) with all those responsible for what we have and who we are. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Right things are not always easy to do, but they pay us back with an excellent reward in the long run.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Even a small part of our morning spent in self-awareness can make a large difference in the way we lead our day. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Turning a house into a home is about transforming a building made of bricks and cement into a place of loving relationships. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • If we feel helpless in minimizing our negative thinking, let’s maximize our positive thinking. Let the power of positivity empower us to deal with our negativity. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • It is important to fix our inner world to be effective in our outer world.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • A day lived in gratitude is a day lived well.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • The right thing said in the wrong way could lead to a wrong effect.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • When we feel accepted and loved for who we are, when we feel encouraged to work on ourselves and make steady progress, we should know that we are in the right company.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Our experience in life depends on what we focus on. If we change our focus, we can change our life.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • You deserve peace. Don’t allow someone or something to take that right away from you.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Situations and circumstances don’t decide who we end up being; our choices in those situations do. Choose wisely! – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Don’t neglect the small issues, whatever they may be. Doesn’t a small fire, not dealt with immediately, grow big? – Gaur Gopal Das
  • The greatest power in the world is the art of dealing with your mind. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Mother: a synonym for selfless love. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Every effort is an investment for our ultimate success even if its current outcome may be contrary to how we wanted things to be. Hope is that rope that keeps us tied to our dreams and drags us to where we want to be. Never lose hope.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • We cannot live a happy life until we confront our negativities and deal with them.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • One of the principles needed to make progress in life is to keep the small things small. And to identify what is big and what is small, we need wisdom.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Passion is about figuring out what you are great at and what you love to do.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Live, love, laugh, lead and leave. That’s life.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • We are less affected by a challenge when we are mentally prepared to handle it. The problem is that challenges come unannounced. We have to be prepared at all times.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Live your life in such a way that there is no room for regrets.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Decisions based on wisdom, more than emotion, have a better chance of being right.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Counting other’s blessings may lead to jealousy; counting our own gives rise to gratitude.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Do not form an opinion about someone based on what you have heard from others. After all, it’s just their opinion and may not necessarily be a reality.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Pain is an integral part of life. It is up to you to decide what to choose, pain that hurts but heals or something that is pleasurable in the beginning and extremely painful thereafter. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Life is filled you have to do and what you love to do. Surely do what you love to do, but also start loving what you have to do. That is the secret of happiness.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • feed your faith and all your doubts shall starve to death.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • it’s all too easy to focus on external achievements and forget to assess whether we are happy with the state of our life.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Work for a cause, not for applause. Live your life to express, not to impress.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • It is important to fix our inner world to be effective in our outer world. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • If you want to change the way you feel, change the way you live.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Everybody is more or less going through challenging situations. What you tell yourself, internally decides whether you will sink or swim.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Do you know what an oxymoron is? Words like pretty ugly, happily married. Well, business ethics is an oxymoron.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • We have to move from hrm to human asset motivation (ham). We have to treat people as assets and motivate them beyond just earning money. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Passion is about figuring out what you are great at and what you love to do.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Those who are credit-driven can never be leaders but managers, as they have to keep their jobs secure.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Those who only surf will be affected by the ups and downs of life, but there are divers who swim beneath, and no matter what the ups and downs, they are not affected by the turbulence.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • A good leader is one who is a good follower of another good leader.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • If you say sorry to someone, that doesn’t mean you are wrong, that just means you value the person more than being right.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • When a man says sorry when he is wrong is called honest. A man who says sorry when he is not sure is called wise and a man who says sorry even when he is right is called husband.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Forgiveness is the foundation of a meaningful, deep, true relationship.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • To let go if somebody has hurt us and to say sorry if we have hurt somebody, and letting things go is what makes relationships profound, meaningful and deep.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Open-mindedness is appreciated by everyone.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Everyone experiences anxiety, but they taste different flavors of it.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Let your choices not circumstances define you.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • To focus on what we can do is the most powerful catalyst for growth. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Every single day, ask yourself this question, am I doing a little better than what I was yesterday keep improving. Keep working on being a better version of yourself.– Gaur Gopal Das
  • Reckless indulgence can bring an intermission into our mission. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • To move on and accept change is a sign of wisdom and maturity. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • We always have a choice: to listen to our lower self and indulge or to listen to our higher self and improve. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, count your many blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Familiarity breeds contempt,’ i replied. ‘when we are overly familiar with people, we forget how important they are to us and the correct way to behave with them. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • Experience is not what happens to a man, it is what a man does with what happens to him. – Gaur Gopal Das
  • The mind is what we use to perceive the world. We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are. – Gaur Gopal Das

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